# 56 

Josh Bilton & Darren Harvey-Regan

Past - 7pm Tues 1st Aug 2015


ACAVA Studios, Limehouse, London


Darren Harvey-Regan presented The Erratics, a series of black and white photographs alongside a number of chalk sculptures on plinths. The conversation began with a discussion of whether the photos were images of the sculptures, which lead to debate about the nature of “truth" in photography, and the sense that we believe a photo as a representation of something “real" (even though a photo can lie just as any other image can). There was also discussion of the sculptures as carvings, and how they might be discovered in the future and their era would be difficult to discern (“future archaeology").


Josh Bilton showed 2 photographs Alignment and States of Statues, and 2 new films (untitled), one featuring the industrial carving of Portland stone in a factory, and the second showing the artist moving pieces of Portland stone around a large garden. The conversation centred on the first film, referring to the rich history of Portland stone as a building material for high status buildings in London and throughout the British empire. The industrial process of mining and preparing the stone, in juxtaposition with the photographs of architectural masonry raised the idea of the work or labour behind the buildings that form our cityscapes.

More about the artists

Darren Harvey-Regan

Josh Bilton

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